Global Institute for IT Management

Course Checkout

Strategic Issues in IT - 750

This course addresses the strategic responsibilities and roles of the CIO. It focuses on devising an enterprise strategy for gaining and sustaining competitive advantage through the use of Information Technology and the development and implementation of policies and strategies to achieve organizational goals. The effective definition and use of information systems that enrich the strategic, operational and administrative needs throughout the organization will also be addressed. Approaches to managing the information systems function in organizations and ensuring that information systems strategies and business strategies are integrated will be the focus of the course.  

Topics include:
 - The strategic role of information technology in a business enterprise
 - The elements of a strategy formulation process
 - Distinguishing among business/IT strategy frameworks and methods
 - Selecting appropriate frameworks and methods
 - Applying frameworks and methods to improve analysis in creating a business strategy enabled or driven by IT
 - Applying the elements of a strategy formulation process to organizations and industries to create an aligned IT-business strategy for competitive advantage

Distinguishing between:
 - short-term strategies that satisfy immediate business requirements
 - longer-term strategies that may provide significant competitive advantage
 - Distinguishing between strategic and operational goals

 - Creating and evaluating alternative IT strategies and tactics available to management to achieve strategic goals.
 - How the CIO functions as a member of the top business management team