Global Institute for IT Management

Course Checkout

Managing the Data Transformation - 750

This course addresses the business digital transformation underway that are being driven/enabled by the changes in design and management of data for business intelligence/business analytics (BI/BA) and cognition systems as enterprises evolve to leveraging Big Data (and Internet of Things). It focuses on the emerging data sources (e.g., social, mobile, robotics process automation), data models, IT data management processes, and data integration considerations as they pertain to BI/BA and cognitive computing (from marketing to human resources).   
The goal is to raise thought-provoking technical issues prompted by the rapid evolution of business and data technologies, as well as to provide practical information for immediate use. The course is organized around the following transformational themes:
  • Data Sources 
  • Data Technologies
  • Data Applications
  • Infrastructure Considerations 
The emphasis is on the industry considerations resulting from the integration of emerging data/knowledge, analytics, and cognitive technologies.